Edward Willes stands as a luminary in the contemporary art scene, his artistic prowess traversing boundaries and captivating audiences with his multidisciplinary approach. Hailing from Australia, Willes has garnered acclaim for his innovative textile portraits, which breathe life into abstract geometrical figures, resonating profoundly within the Nordic art sphere. Drawing inspiration from the European modernist abstract expressionists of yesteryears, Willes imbues his compositions with a sense of dynamism and exploration, pushing the boundaries of traditional mediums. What sets Willes apart is his audacious fusion of textiles with portrait subject matter, a daring move that seamlessly bridges the gap between outsider art and interior decor, challenging conventional perceptions of artistic expression.

Willes' journey as an artist is underpinned by a solid educational foundation, having earned his Bachelor of Secondary Education (Visual Art) from Griffith University in Brisbane, Queensland. His creative odyssey has been punctuated by numerous group exhibitions, each serving as a testament to his growing influence and artistic evolution. Noteworthy among these showcases are his exhibitions at Galerie Fold in Reykjavík, Iceland, and Galerie Wolfsen in Aalborg, Denmark, where his works resonated deeply with audiences, leaving an indelible mark on the contemporary art landscape. Willes' artistic trajectory reached new heights with a solo exhibition at PIERMARQ* in Sydney, further solidifying his status as an artist to watch. The year 2023 saw Willes making waves yet again with exhibitions at Galerie Wolfsen in Aalborg, Denmark, and à mon avis in Copenhagen, Denmark, where his innovative approach continued to captivate and inspire. As Willes continues to push the boundaries of artistic expression, his contributions to the contemporary art world remain unparalleled, promising a future filled with creativity, exploration, and boundless possibility.